November 23, 2008

Declining Gas Prices


I think we have the worst and best group of friends ever. We always make then break plans, use each other for their stuff - this includes never returning it, and are the least bit nice to each other but I couldn't agree more that we get along just fine.

It makes me happy about how low the gas prices are getting! Can I get an Amen?

November 09, 2008

Hello blog!


It's been a while, freals. Really, it has.

Today was quite a success with pizza making, piano playing, rock band, and semi-ghost stories/half gossip. Too bad my mom is went APE$H!T on everyone, no chistes. You wouldn't understand how much of a psycho she is unless you were there or you're Matthew. She is one crazy mothafuckaaaaaa.
Too bad elephant didn't come today Malts! Boo hoo.

The pizza was amazing today guys, go I.B. and F.G. for having successful events this weekend. YEAH IN YO FACE

October 15, 2008

Boo! Rawr. Ha!


Today was looong!

That's basically it.
A quiz, watering Collin, a test, lemons being thrown at me, nothing-ness, Homecoming, snacking, watching Paul cheat the society because he thought I paid for his drink, but I didn't, yeah .. &taking the bus home alone.

That's all.
But we won't let go for nothing.

I am serious, I hear my doorbell ringing every 3 seconds, but it isn't really.
Talking to Batman again is really great.

Dude, I wish I could freaking regulate hair growth.

"Hold your intention and desire, but let the outcome be what it will."

October 04, 2008

Join Iron Oven!


Even though it didn't seem like muchos since it sounds like just a Drive Around, Eat, & Singfest (specifically Rock Songs, HAH.) all night long, it was funners. It wasn't chill, but not not chill as in a bad way more of a not chill as in it wasn't calm or toned down chillout trout sit around chill fun but rather straight up loud fun.

Alrighty well Helllllllo busy weekend!!! I'm read for ya'.

If anyone actually reads this, HAHA. Freals though. No one really does.

September 30, 2008

I Wanna Know Who You Are


Today was alright, I guess.

David broke my favorite bottle in the entire world.

September 18, 2008

The Greatest Thing They Ever Heard


Had a semi-exciting day.

I spoke at the District Board Meeting with Forever Green. Packed.
I got a free water bottle from Ms. Vaeth. Yes! My dream since school started this year.. it came true!


Shaun got transfered out of my Spanish 3 class because of "balancing classes," which I think is dumb because they moved someone into our class, then moved him out, so what was the point of moving that person in? Why not just keep him in! Geez! I was hellaaa hellaaa upset when Shelby told me, haha. Shuan is my Spanish buddy! Now I sit alone next to Venca, the exchange student from the Czech Republic. He makes fun of me and calls me weird.
Ms. Alvarado gave me all of Shaun's stuff to give back to him. Pobrecito! What a nostalgic reminder of the class he could be in.
I hung out with him a bit after school.

So I drew a picture of Shaun &put it on his desk to pretend he was there since Ms. Alvarado wouldn't let anyone sit next to me. Haha! Matthew is lonely now. I had no one to read a book with during SSR!

I would have put my backpack on his desk, but it just didn't feel right replacing a friend with a backpack.

September 14, 2008

Nikole's Coochie Is Stinky!

Dear Tortuga,


Tortuga, today was chill.
Matthew went to a Catholic church for the first time today. He was very scared, full of trepidation as he went up during that eating bread thing. He didn't eat bread, only got blessed. Yay God!
Nikole ate though, as always.
She spread rumors about Matthew, telling people he is a lying cunt when he didn't say anything to anyone at all!


Dude, it smells like bread. You smell like bread.

September 13, 2008

Awkward Turtle! Seriously.

Dear Tortuga,

That is your name now.
Today I am feeling farty! Just kidding. That was Nikole.
She smelled hellaaa stank-y today. Damn, wash that steeze!
Matthew just almost gave me an Indian Burn. He's the one that smells. He's such an asshole but that's why I love him and he loves me. We belong together. No chistes. LOVE YOU MALTS!
Yuck, Nikole is a terrible typer. &She is an asshole, she is probably talking about you right now. The skanky hoe is trying to bite me, sigh!
Today she smells of butter, fart, and sweat. Well, more than usual at least.
I spent a lot of money this week.
I don't like to be ignored, you skeezy kakahead. If you are going to not talk, just say so. I'd much rather have it that way. Alright, thaaanks!
This is a perfect time to use a truth quote from the Kite Runner, but I don't have the book on hand.
Chris Abadilla gave me a hug today. He hella likes me, LOL.
Alrighty, I am off to save Nikole because she is going to die from eating too much popcorn, aka Diacetyl stuff! Bye kiddooos! :)
I don't want tomorrow to suck. Don't suck tomorrow!
Oh yeah, it is hella awkward turtle right now.

September 01, 2008

Run, Running, Ran


hasn't posted in a while. Boo.

Anyway. This past weekend wasn't too eventful but I'll fill it in with the details about the first week of school.

First day, cool. Way better than last year, I must admit. Got my new sched. YESSIR. First period, finally. If they just gave first period to the people who actually signed up for it not to the people who didn't want it, it wouldn't be such a problemo. and to people who suddenly want it: too bad, you DIDN'T sign up for it so don't try to change it home boys and girls. That's all I'll say about schedules because I know everyones got f-ed up.

Quiroga was chill. She seems hella nice. Easy? Not exactly sure yet. It seems pretty simple but then again we're just reviewing stuff right now. First period is kind of boring, it is rather sluggish. I sit next to Brian Sajor. That's a plus.

Bhatnager. She's seems really nice too but has HELLA damn homework. I've heard around that I got the "good" Bhatnager so that's a good sign I guess, haha.

Imbesi. He seems really nice too. I know I keep saying nice but that's all I can think of for describing my teachers haha. Berly is in my class! HOORAYS.

Wow. I am seriously not use to having THREE DAMN PERIODS before my first break! THE F? I get so damn hungry, damn. I feel like after those three classes, it should be lunch! I grow incredibly restless. Especially after math I'm always like yes, break time! But then I think about it and I'm like crap, one more class. LAME.

Arbizu next... Okay I'm done describing teachers and classes. Then art with Leung. Chill, fine. It's whatevs.

Then finally Chem with Schni...der? However you spell his name. I hella forgot my syllabus because I'm a dumbass. Easiest assignment in the world and I forget to do it. Still in summer mode, I suppose.

Francis, AJ, Kim and I tried to go to Peidmont during their lunch on Thursday but the popo was hella in gaurd writin' down my license plate and shizz! So Francis, Kim, and I just stayed at this Egg Market. I hate the mustang like holy crap hellllllla hot. It's hotter in the car than it is outside and the only reason that's good is so when you go outside, it's a relief but it still fcking hot outside!

Saturday I didn't do muchos. Actually I'm just saying I didn't do much because I can't remember. Sunday - familia fiesta. Today I went out with AJ to Pat's house and we just cheeeeled. Then... I got scraped by my dad because he's an ass. Okay, I think I'm done for today. PAYCE.

August 23, 2008

Sunset Going Under



"Scientists tell us we only use 5% of our brains. But if they only used 5% of their brains to reach that conclusion, then why should we believe them?"
- Joseph Palm

August 19, 2008

New glasses

I want new glasses even though I never wear them.

Contacts are surely swell. That's my cup of tea.

I am seriously unmotivated to get my license now. I no longer care for getting it. I am in no rush anymore, I'm too damn lazy, freals.

My foot is asleep.

Here is my post #2 malts. I love back-to-school shopping. It's the best kind of shopping! We should convince Dalena to join cross country so Matthew and I will have a buddy. That has been one of my greatest ideas all week. Actually, that has been my only idea but now I have another one: Go read and do APLit homework!

August 10, 2008

Adventura manana!


Enough with this Spanish already!

Hmm, I don't know if I'm allowed to blog without consent of my master but oh wells! Alrighty, well today was quite a rollercoaster. Actually, no. It wasn't. It was really lame, until I finally did something with my life at night. I don't really know who reads this but I'll continue anyway. So I was hella supposed to go running con mi padre this morning but I overslept and I guess that made him in a badass mood. He wanted me to go with him to the recycling place to turn in bottles and what not so I was getting ready and then asked what time we were going to Watsonville because supposively, there was a family party today then mi madre tells me last minuto that we're not going so I was like the f! Then we could have gone to the beach today hello! Lame noodles. Then, okay well I don't really feel like going into detail but pretty much, I fought with my parents a lot, the usual because I give them attitude to much no thanks to my me not thinking before I speak and I guess my tone of voice isn't "the nicest in the world." Whateva. On with my day went to Chris's house, played poker, clue, then brawl. Eventually relied on technology to entertain us. I recorded the olympics so I could watch it later. That preshow was a life time, freals. I can't believe that took three years to prepare. DAMNSON! Plans for tomorrow, I shall go out with mis amigos y nosotros vamos a la playa. Estoy muy... I forget how to say excited. I never stay up this late. Okay, peace outskees.

August 07, 2008

Nicole is lame.

Malts & Nikole. There is a pimple on my chin and I keep poking it with this fruit stick.

It hurts actually.

Continue. I don't really know how to use this because I kind of suck at blogging but whatevs.

It's been like since May the last time I blogged.

I think that's all I'm going to say because we need to get out of the house before our brians rott to death. All we did was make these cake cookie things and banana chocolate smoothies but they were hella goodums. Matthew just went bathroom. I wonder if he's taking a boom boom. Hopefully he is. It just shows he's healthy yenno. Mmmm so yeah summer has been hella like chill like litteraly no hardcore parties or anything but it's a good thing. Like before I used to be like omg what a waste of a day I didn't do ANYTHING but for some reason, now that I'm fat and old, being lazy is a good thing and sitting around just seems like the best thing to do. I think we're going to go biking now before I eat all 20 zillion cookies by myself. Matthew didn't take a boom boom, darn. I always say boom booms always make you feel better even if its those hard ones where you don't drink enough water! Alrightums peace outskees negros.

Hello Blogspot.
Note to Nikole: Remember to refer to the blog as Blogspot, it is like a person and has feelings, too.

Anyways, we are gonna go boogie. &Party on bikes. &Wash dishes. &Party hard.
Today I went to Nikole's house. That was after I did crazy dancing with people at my house, &we watched my favorite kiddos on TV. &Ate Special K.
Then at Nikole's .. yeah, we basically just ate. &Ate. &Ate.
We tend to do that a lot. We had plans to go biking, which we are about to do, but we always get distracted with food, laziness, and more food. &I always fall asleep here. Gee wiz.

Okay, fiestaaa time!
Peaaaaaaaace out my crunch wraps.

July 23, 2008

Delivered, Sugar Free


New blog, yum.

I will tell Nikolebeans about this in a bit.
Darnskies, I really do love my marathons, held every Wednesday.